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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

What’s cooking?

So if you don’t know, I really enjoy cooking. I feel like I was fortunate enough to spend weekends with my grandmother To get the basics. I even enjoyed being in the kitchen with my mom for daily dinner preparation. Even with all of that experience, your girl is not a baker. I just started baking things from scratch and let’s just say, it’s not second nature.


What I’ve decided to do is use our trusty app, Pintrest to build my skills. I made my first pound cake using the app and let’s say second time was a charm! I’ll put a pic of that here.


So today’s adventure was homemade biscuits. I found a quick recipe to follow because who doesn’t love biscuit. Well I think I did ok. I forgot to take a picture before we ate but here’s the finished product and I’ll share the link. Let me know if you guys try it!

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