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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

Workshop coming soon!

Hey there family! I decided to jump out my comfort zone and have my first in person event. We have come a long way since the pandemic started and it's time to take things to a new level. I'm super excited to spend a few hours with you and talk all things business. With the many changes in social media, entrepreneurs have to stay on point. That's why this opportunity comes at the right time.



How many of us have accountability partners for managing our health, finances, etc? If you answered yes then you're on track but what about your business? Is there anyone hounding you to post daily, ensuring that you've taken time to enhance your marketing skills, doing research? If you answered yes, then sis let's chat. If the answer was no, then it's time to regroup and refocus.


How Do We Fix It

We fix it by networking with likeminded individuals. We expand our network by learning to work in unity. I've come up with the perfect solution and hope you'll take the time out to join the launch of my accountability group. Check out the information below.


What’s the biggest area of focus that can use improvement in your business?

  • 0%social media marketing

  • 0%how to create marketing videos

  • 0%how to navigate the legal paperwork

  • 0%I’m all over and need to get organized

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