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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

The Time Killer

Have you ever found yourself spending hours trying to complete a task you’ve had days to do? Yeah I have and it actually ruined half of my spring break. What can I say... I’m a procrastinator. I literally spent the first three days of break cleaning and completing paperwork because I put it off the weekend before. In doing so, what I realized was that procrastination is a freedom killer!

Here I was clicking away trying to log weekly services for over 20 clients with a deadline quickly approaching. Can we say annoyed, overwhelmed and down right chaotic. I immediately began to feel disappointed in myself because I had failed at keeping a schedule yet again.
So y’all know I had to go and reflect because what therapist doesn’t want to know the root cause of this level of procrastinating? There I was sitting in my room and all of a sudden I felt lIke the bag lady. Tons of thoughts just running through my mind.

Photo credit #JideAllen


After about thirty minutes or so of reflecting, I realized my problem was much bigger than anticipated. First and foremost, I was feeling burnout from work and the nature of my job. Secondly I feel like I’m not fulfilling my purpose due to the restrictions placed by my workplace. I wanted to focus more on my personal professional goals than meeting the expectations to further another institution. Damn! How did I get here? How was I going to fix it? It’s so important to self reflect to get an inventory of different areas of your life and make the necessary adjustments. In order to do this we have to start with self.


Man isnt funny how we can sometimes find every reason but the one thing we contribute to a situation? I knew I hadn’t really done the work to unpack all reasons for my procrastination. Yup, sis I know, I was a huge part of the problem too. I was not organized! I have not planned as well as I have in the past and it was impacting my work for the previous month. What I learned from this exercise was that my procrastination within my work life was impacting my personal life and that was on me. I missed valuable time to get things done for my business and that was something I needed to change.


Recognize that we all have these moments where we need a reset and to get back on track. I needed a few days off to rejuvenate and then plan to establish action steps to avoid procrastinating. I’ll check back in to let you guys know if those worked lol. What I do know is that I want to be in control of my time moving forward because it’s the one thing we can’t get back! SO GET THE ISH DONE.

love and light y’all 💫

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Apr 11, 2021

I definitely needed this! Although I am not a mom I can say I definitely procrastinate on a lot if things. Time to get my stuff together and in order to see the bigger picture and most importantly my freedom back

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