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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

Sis Get Your Ish Together!

Let me guess it's been almost an entire 365 days and you're still facing the same battle? If that's not you, maybe this one isn't for you. I'm talking to the woman who is standing in her own way. Heck, who am I kidding? I'm actually most likely talking about myself. Like many others, I did a vision board and planned to accomplish a laundry list of goals for 2022. I prayed, journaled, consulted and the list goes on but somehow I fell short. I entered into this last month of the year staring at the mirror and man there were so many revelations. So go get your glass of wine cause this right here is going might hit a nerve.


Seek Him First

I kept everyone in my business except for God. I was so hyper focused on my goals and how to achieve them, that I stopped asking the source of all things for solutions. So easily distracted by things of the world, that I forgot that all endeavors have a purpose and should serve him. Do you know how hard it was to admit that I had neglected the one sure thing in my life! The way maker, the mouth regulator, the grantee of grace and mercy. Whew, bring on the ugly cry for thinking I could do this alone. Knowing that I should be building and mastering this gift to ultimately serve. Yeah, I needed to get my ish together


Fear Is The Devil We Create In Our Mind

Have you ever kicked yourself after fumbling an opportunity to elevate to the next level? Yeah sis, me too! Doubting yourself is one way to miss opportunities. In this new world of entrepreneurship, people can smell when you're not sure of yourself. Fear oozes like a fresh spray of perfume. It's in your body language, your tone, your facial expression and it doesn't make for good business. I've had many ideas that haven't been executed because I cared too much about what people would think! Will they like it, maybe this topic has been covered too much, do I know enough about it, what if, what if, what if. Needless to say, things didn't get done. My mind was playing tricks on me. Why couldn't I post that vlog, that recording or photo? Full fledge Imposter Syndrome at its best. Let's just say this revelation was the tip of the iceberg.


What You Put Out Is What You Get

Can we talk about missing the mark? Still going through the assessment process, analyzing my data and there it was. I had fumbled the bag because I let others outwork me. Y'all know what I'm talking about, CONSISTENCY! I was not being consistent in working toward my established goals. One month I'm on target, followed by three weeks of sporadic effort. Anyone knows in this day and time with the 7 second reel being the measure of average attention span, this was deadly to a brand. I couldn't keep up and I needed to figure out why.


You Snooze You Lose

Alright, here's the one! This is the one that was the gut punch for me. I had poor time management. Basic executive functioning or is it really? I literally had more deliverables than I had time. Two jobs, single parenthood and entrepreneurship. I failed to plan, which means I planned to fail. Ladies it's really just that simple. I know, there's a list of problems but now what? I got you mama! Keep reading.


Solution Focused Is What We Are

Now that we've established what needs work we need solutions.

  • Be still sis! Sometimes you are all over because you're moving to fast. When we seek out God's direction over our life, goals and business, we need to make room for instruction. You can't hear if you're talking.

  • Make time to spend in a quiet space with you and the most high. You can't go wrong!

  • Let's start replacing that fear. My major struggle with self doubt and imposter syndrome stems from my barriers with public speaking. I've embarked on the journey of identifying public speaking class to enhance my skills.

  • I've been intentional about self affirmations and acknowledging my worth. That my good sis is how you kick fear to the curb. You face it head on. So whatever is in your way, stop avoiding it and confront it.

  • Use your resources. The more resources you have the easier it is to stay the course. For me investing in programs that can automate some of my task, is where I seem to find an increase in my consistency.

  • I got a planner y'all! Yup I had to get back to the basics. With so many opportunities to dismiss a notification on my phone, I needed to see it written down.

  • Delegate, delegate , delegate. If there's something you can take off your plate do it. Whether that's paying for laundry service, having someone watch the kids for an hour or two, cleaning service; etc. Reclaim some of your time sis!

  • Get some rest. You're no good if you are not at your best and well rested. Gone are the days of booked and busy my love. We're manifesting booked and rested from here on out!



You have what it takes you just need a reset or maybe I do. Either way let's get it together as we head into 2023. The time is now. Take the steps today to make the necessary pivots for 2023. We don't need a date to begin working on what's next!

Now go be great!

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Ariane Couch
Ariane Couch
Dec 07, 2022

This one hit all the nerves!! Thank you for this.

Schuyler Williams
Schuyler Williams
Dec 07, 2022
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Yes ma’am

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