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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

New Year Purge. Simple steps to make cleaning easy before the clock strikes 12!

I don’t know about you all but my grandmother says the house has to be spotless for the new year! It’s something that’s been passed down for generations and it’s something I’ll continue with my daughter. Catherine (that’s my grandmother) said, “not one thing in the laundry, dish in the sink and you need to get rid of things you no longer need”. Whew child, talk about pressure. I usually have a pretty good handle on keeping things in order but the latest surge of the super charged common cold, flu and COVID surge have thrown a monkey wrench in my routine. Sis let’s just say I’ve been surviving more than living, lol! Now if you have a weekly maid service go ahead and stop reading, this isn’t the post for you. Maybe it is if you have a friend who can use the tip.


So what do we need to do next?

First thing we need to do is purge. There is no need to keep things we no longer need. Do not overthink this step. This should be the easiest part of the process. If you have children start with their things first. They are still growing so if it doesn’t fit, it won’t later. If they have old toys decide what’s still being utilized and donate the rest. Now here’s the hard part sis! Take a deep breath and get rid of anything that no longer fits. If you haven’t lost the weight in a year it’s safe to chuck it. There’s one exception to this rule and that’s keep your investment pieces. You know, items that will never go out of style or are high quality.


Step 2

Lets talk about cleaning those clothes. If you have a large family then a laundry service may be the way to go. If you’re on a budget then sorting properly and combining clothing will work. Hopefully you’ve been home for the week and had minimal exposure to school or work, so short cycle for the win!!!!! If you’re like me and want to save time, then a trip to the local laundromat is the best solution. Trust me and thank me later. I personally use the laundromat when I’m short on time. Nothing beats washing 5 to 10 loads simultaneously and drying the same.


Step 3

The bedrooms are your easiest task but most important space. Where you lay your head is your sanctuary. This should be the room where you get peace. I like to change the look of my room often, so now’s the time to pull out that new bed in a bag or comforter set and change those linen. Add some flowers to increase the vibration. This can be a family activity so children, boyfriends and husbands can do their share by picking up in their personal space too.


Final Step

The kitchen is the space I save for last. It should be one of the cleanest spots in the home. Hopefully you spot clean daily after preparing snacks or a meal. Take a look in your pantry and discard any items that have expired. Look up your local food bank to see what they take in. I know in the past they would take can items that are less than a year of expiration. Clean up your fridge. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking everything out, one shelf at a time sis! The dishwasher is your friend today, use it.

All Done

Listen, if you made it this far you deserve a round of applause. That’s a whole lot of cleaning but you did it. Pour up a glass of wine (red cup might be the move since you just cleaned the kitchen 😜) and relax!

Have a safe and happy New Year!

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