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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

An Ode To My Soul Sistas

There‘s something about having sista friends that makes life feel like it’s more complete. I can’t even count how many times one of my girls helped me through a personal storm. Knowing that there’s someone you can call in times of need is one of the best feelings in the world! Que “The Golden Girls“ theme. I just want to say, “thank you for being a friend”.

Friends Turned Family

Throughout the years I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some dope souls and we’ve grown into some awesome women. We have laughed together, cried together and shared some of the greatest milestones of our lives. From doctorate degrees, to prestigious awards, marriage and children, we have been on one hell of a ride. In addition to good times, we have also shared some of our toughest moments and they’ve brought us closer. It‘s just something about long lasting connections with other women. Maybe it’s because I’m an only child and didn’t have the luxury of siblings. I now consider these women to be my sisters.




Thank You For Being A Friend

This is just an opportunity to show black women in a positive light! This is also my way of giving you your flowers while you’re here. Many of you have prayed for me, traveled miles to celebrate me, let me vent for hours and so much more! We’ve fought, laughed, had our differences but we’re family. Some of you I talk to daily, attend first Sundays at your home, your kids are my God children and that’s an honor. Some of us go weeks to months until we check in but it’s like we never missed a beat.


📸 Delmaine Donson


To my sisters if you’re reading this I love y’all!


To my subscribers,I encourage you to live, laugh and tell those important to you, I love you. The pandemic has shown us that time is not ours and we don’t get to redo missed opportunities. I know as life changes, we are knee deep in responsibility but make time and make memories. I think of times I’ve missed opportunities and I’m definitely planning to do better. To live more, laugh more and show up more, for my sistas of course! So cheers to more life!



📸Cecilie Arcurs

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