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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams


Where do I begin! How about two weeks ago! I'm sitting waiting for the results of a test I've been preparing for and the anxiety is taking over. Three hours and fourty eight minutes later and I failed. Your score was 98. You needed 103 to pass. The agony in that moment. I sat in my car for 30 minutes thinking of all the shoulda, coulda woulda's. Then I laughed and said not yet huh God! It was a defeat I wasn't ready to face to say the least.


How many times have you taken a loss and let it beat you down? Whether it was a failed relationship, missed opportunity or failed test, it definitely takes a stab at your confidence. Well I'm here to tell you, when life throws a curve ball we have to PUSH!



Being persistent can take you a long way. Having the ability to stay the course when things don't go as planned is essential when you're building. You know, I'm always amazed at young children's drive to master something they set their minds too! They'll do something over and over until they figure it out. Somewhere through the journey to adulthood we often lose that drive. We begin to let fear and doubt get in the way of becoming the best version of ourselves. I'm here to tell you, persistence will win the battle


Unwavering Faith

On my journey to self discovery, it called for going back to the basics. I had to get reacquainted with my spiritual life. I've been operating on my own terms and I had no direction. Getting back into scripture has caused me to reevaluate my purpose for what I was doing. I had to increase my faith in God's promise for my life. I'll be the first to tell you that when you surrender and let God take control it's an amazing feeling. It takes all the worry out of the journey. You just move different. Get grounded my loves! Thank me later!



Putting your desires to the side and doing the things you don't want to is HARD AF! I had to learn that to win you got to be willing to sacrifice. Sometimes sacrafice looks like not playing it safe. Hours of reading, studying and working toward your goals to get success. Don't let the game fool you. No one is exempt from hard work. If you have a goal put in the work. You're future self will be grateful for it.



In the era of self, we can sometimes find it hard to practice humility. As a society, we are losing the art of being humble. There's a beauty in humility that I think needs to be discussed more often than not. It doesn't mean that you aren't important. I personally believe when we consider the importance of those around us it is our greatest opportunity for learning. This trait allows us to navigate relationships, make decisions and be available emotionally to listen to others. Most importantly, it gives us the ability to thank those who pour into us. So be humble!


I will end this by simply saying PUSH!

  • PUSH through hard times

  • PUSH past your fears

  • PUSH

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