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  • Writer's pictureSchuyler Williams

3 Quick Tips for a successful morning.

Confession time mama! I am not a morning person, lol. I think anyone who knows me personally knows that I actually don’t function well before 10am. Nope I don’t need that cup of coffee, I just need my quiet time. Truth be told having a busy toddler means, there is no quiet time. There is also a significant lack of sleep because you now have to get another person ready for the day. I definitely can say, I have been failing miserably at getting that done successfully and had to make some serious adjustments. After living and working in the same space for over a year, transitioning back to a routine was pure hell!


Tip One

Wake up 30 mins to 1 hour before members of your household.

I know, it feels like you just went to sleep and to lose an hour to thirty minutes of your rest seems unbearable. Well the truth is waking up earlier allows for you to have a few moments to yourself. It ensures that you can be your best self for the members of your family. When I wake up before my daughter, I have time to get my thoughts together, spend time with God and prepare for the hustle and bustle of the morning. Drink some water, take a few deep breaths and enjoy some quiet time!


Tip Two

Engage in a self care activity before getting dressed

There is nothing more important than scheduling self care in your daily routine. This allows for you to remain balanced, which is an essential part of maintaining your health and well-being. Engaging in a 30 minute yoga session or morning meditation is beneficial to your mental health. I personally enjoy listening to Gospel or R&B in the morning to set the tone. Remember what you feed your mind is just as important as what you feed your body. Some other suggestions are completing morning affirmations, journaling, spending a few minutes in prayer or other identified self care activities.


Tip Three

Limit or completely avoid the morning social media scroll!!!!!!

I think this is pretty self explanatory. Social media is one of the biggest distractions if not utilized appropriately. Ok, I know, you're an influencer, content guru and you need social media. This all may be true but there are way too many tools available to avoid having to make social media the first part of your morning. Invest in a few apps that allow you to schedule posts, plan out content, etc. Don't allow pointless scrolling to interrupt your ability to take a moment for yourself, spend meaningful time with your children or most importantly engage in self care.

I hope that these quick tips are helpful for you all. Honestly making changes to my morning routine have limited stress each day and also increased my overall productivity. Love and light y'all!


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